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Carcassonne School
Carcassonne School
Carcassonne School

Carcassonne School

2 in stock
- +

Note the graphics on this mini expansion match the old Rio Grande Games version

Components : 
1 teacher meeple (this is in a random colour and doesn't count as a particular player colour)
- 2 school tiles

The 2 school tiles are placed either side of the regular starting tile. Obeying standard Carcassonne rules, i.e. roads connect.


Play as normal however, whoever completes one or more roads leading to the school, scores the road and is given the teacher meeple.
The player takes the teacher meeple from the school and puts it in front of him. When the next feature is completed by anybody then the player with the teacher scores the same amount of points. If the player with the teacher completes the feature, then they get twice the amount of points. After scoring with the teacher, the teacher meeple is returned to the school.

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