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Lord of the Rings LCG - Adventure Pack: Foundations Of Stone
Lord of the Rings LCG - Adventure Pack: Foundations Of Stone
Lord of the Rings LCG - Adventure Pack: Foundations Of Stone

Lord of the Rings LCG - Adventure Pack: Foundations Of Stone

Lord of the Rings LCG - Adventure Pack: Foundations Of Stone
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Foundations of Stone adventure pack for the Lord of the Rings living card game (LCG)

There are older and fouler things than Orcs in the deep places of the world.
-Gandalf, The Fellowship of the Ring

Over the course of the game's Dwarrowdelf cycle of Adventure Packs, the heroes of Middle-earth have traveled from the comfort of Rivendell to the deepest, darkest, and dankest mines of Moria in order to locate the source of the increased Orc activity in the Misty Mountains. Now, deep in the mountains' Foundations of Stone, the heroes must survive deadly new challenges, completely unlike those they've already faced.

The enemies and hazards of Moria have haunted the heroes throughout their long journey, but the scenario in Foundations of Stone forces players to set aside the expansion's encounter set. There it waits, holding ancient terrors like the Elder Nameless Thing (Foundations of Stone, 126), until such a time as the players should stumble into a trap...

Terrors of the Deep

The new scenario in Foundations of Stone traps the heroes in treacherous underground currents, washing them into the dark where the nameless things dwell. Older and fouler than Orcs, these strange creatures will test your heroes to the utmost limits of their resilience.

When they crawl out of their lairs, the nameless things in Foundations of Stone challenge players in multiple ways. Of course, like all enemies, they force fellowships to defend themselves, but their attacks start when they bite a chunk out of your deck! Each nameless thing feeds upon a number of cards from the top of a player's deck, gaining strength from each card it consumes. In this way, the nameless things create interesting challenges whenever they eat your key cards, and they can bite hard against a deck that seeks to gain quick riches from the Zigil Miner (Khazad-dum, 9) and other expensive allies.

Support of the Elves

It has been nearly half a year since Middle-earth's heroes first began their journey into the intrigues of the Dwarrowdelf cycle. Now, while Elrond awaits their reports, he considers what resources he can spare to send after the heroes, in order to aid their efforts.

In earlier previews, we saw the Imladris Stargazer (Foundations of Stone, 106), an ally who can lend clarity to your quest; and Glorfindel (Foundations of Stone, 101), the pack's powerful new hero. These two elves and other great player cards, like the Trollshaw Scout (Foundations of Stone, 104) look to help the heroes. Still, the heroes have been traveling through dark and dangerous mines for weeks and weeks. Will the support from Rivendell reach them in time? Will it be enough to stave off the nameless things?

A Note on the Encounter Sets for Foundations of Stone

In order to curtail any potential confusion, Fantasy Flight Games wishes to address a misprint in the Foundations of Stone rules insert. Though the quest cards and rulesheet feature the correct encounter set icon, the rules text inaccurately lists the Deeps of Moria encounter set in place of the Hazards of the Pit encounter set.

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